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Figure 5 | BMC Ecology

Figure 5

From: Age-dependent induction of immunity and subsequent survival costs in males and females of a temperate damselfly

Figure 5

Mean hourly temperatures (± maximum and minimum temperatures for the foraging period 0400 h to 1900 h) during the emergence and approximate flight period of Enallagma boreale for the years 2001–2004 at Jack's Marsh. Closed circles represent good days of weather while open symbols represent poor weather. Bouts of poor weather were considered to be at least two consecutive days of poor weather. The line marked at 15°C indicates the cut off for our measure of poor weather and open squares indicate days with > 5 mm of rain, also indicating poor weather. The open bar represents the period of time when newly emerged individuals were observed and/or collected at Jack's Marsh. Open bar with hatch marks represents an estimated period of time when newly emerged individuals would likely have been observed at Jack's Marsh (reproductive maturity takes approximately 10–12 d to occur). The closed bar represents the period of time when mature adults were collected at Jack's Marsh.

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