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Table 2 Species in common at the 3 locations. * = grasslike as seedlings

From: Relative effects of mammal herbivory and plant spacing on seedling recruitment following fire and mining

Species (family)

1. Acacia alata (Mimosaceae)*

2. Acacia pulchella (Mimosaceae)

3. Allocasuarina fraseriana (Casuarinaceae)*

4. Cyathochaeta avenacea (Cyperaceae)*

5. Mirbelia dilatata (Fabaceae)

6. Austrodanthonia caespitosa (Poaceae)*

7. Sphaerolobium vimineum (Fabaceae)

8. Xanthorrhoea gracilis (Xanthorrhoeaceae)*

9. Xanthorrhoea preissii (Xanthorrhoeaceae)*